Tuesday, January 7, 2014

2014: A year of Abundance and Blessing

So it's a new(ish) year which means new adventures and new goals.

I don't exactly make new year's resolutions, but I do like to pray about the year to come and think about goals for myself. One thing I've done the past three years is to have a "word for the year."

This word isn't just a random word I like or that sounds cool, although that would be fun. Instead, it is a word that represents something I want to grow in over the year and something I feel I will need to focus on.

In 2012, my word was courage.

In 2013, it was responsibility.

For 2014, I unexpectedly heard the words ABUNDANCE and BLESSING.

I am excited to find out more what those two things really mean and so far have come up with the following thoughts/goals that have to do with being blessed and living in abundance: this year I want to enjoy the abundance God has given me, I want to live in (aka. choose into) his blessing everyday, and I want to acknowledge God as my provider of everything good.

Here's to a new year and abundant growing experiences!

What are some of your goals for 2014? Do you have a word for the year?


  1. I love this! I've done the same thing for a number of years and it has been super powerful! Miss you!

  2. I have a word that Iis my life word : Joy. Because we cannot create or destroy but we can use it. I just love what its all about. If there is no love there can be no joy. I love
